Household Groceries
Since 1788 Colel Chabad’s #1 priority has been nutrition. After all, without food any kind of life is a non-starter.
Today, Colel Chabad is the recognized leader in advanced food security for Israel’s neediest households regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or religion.
The nerve center of this enormous undertaking is the Blavatnik Food Bank, housed in the Slager Logistical Center. The Food Bank is responsible for all monthly food crate packing and delivery to some 8,500 of Israel’s neediest families.
Hundreds of additional households — those in the process of emerging from the cycle of poverty – use the Colel Chabad Eshel credit card which enables them to shop freely at major supermarkets.
Prior to Rosh Hashanah and Passover more than 20,000 additional families receive total food and household supplies or Colel Chabad Holiday Shopping Vouchers that empower them to shop for food and clothing.
Colel Chabad’s free public Passover Seders are attended by thousands of broken families, and lonely, poor, abandoned individuals. Hosted in dozens of locations throughout Israel, these seders provide a joyous celebration for those who might otherwise suffer alone and forgotten.
All beneficiary households are screened and audited by local municipalities on the basis of need. Local government contributes 20% of the budget while Colel Chabad covers 80%.
A local program in Safed, Beit Kanster, supplies meals to needy households, distributes sandwiches to poor school children, and delivers hot meals for children in Colel Chabad daycare centers.